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Jumping Kids by Jumping Singapore Class

Your Kids Are Born To Jump!

Your kids are born to jump! So why let them jump on your couch when they could jump on the trampoline? Jumping meets their sensory needs. It provides an outlet to release energy so he can entirely focus on the world around him. And your couch seems the best place to do this. Our Jumping Kids love attending their weekly jumping classes. We provide a safe, fun, and friendly environment for them to expend their energy, develop spatial awareness and explore creative expression and movement.

Physical activity is essential to a child’s healthy growth and development. Unfortunately, the modern child is captivated by visually stimulating devices for prolonged periods every day and lacks physical play, which is crucial to his overall health, fitness, and early mental development. According to the American CDC, children and adolescents ages, 6 through 17 need to engage in aerobic activities for at least 60 minutes daily. Younger children five years and below need to be active throughout the day. Regular jumping on the trampoline is an excellent way to keep your child robust, happy, and sharp.

Health & Developmental Benefits of Jumping Fitness for Kids

1) Jumping Boosts Brainpower and Cognitive Ability

The stimulation your child gets from moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity, such as jumping, is linked to brain development. It improves the connections between the nerve cells and the brain. Jumping also increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain, making the mind more alert and focused and improving attention and memory. This will positively impact the child’s motivation, learning, and productivity in school.

2) Jumping helps develop motor skills and coordination

Jumping on a trampoline can help kids develop body awareness and attain high coordination and motor skills. It creates a constantly shifting center of gravity, so they must quickly adjust their positions and bilateral movements to maintain balance. Repeated jumping, balancing, and focusing help them to improve their motor skills, balance, and coordination. It is especially beneficial for children with delayed coordination and motor skill development. 

3) Jumping boosts your kid’s immune system.

Jumping on a trampoline promotes lymphatic circulation and drainage, detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system. A robust immune system helps to reduce infections and assist in recovery from illness or injuries. In addition, effective cellular detoxification is vital because it enables the body to absorb essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. 

4) Jumping strengthens the entire body and builds physical fitness

Jumping is a fun way for kids to maintain a healthy weight and avoid problems like childhood obesity. It also develops their endurance and keeps their hearts and lungs healthy and strong. As a weight-bearing exercise, jumping strengthens the musculoskeletal system and enhances bone density, resulting in stronger bones in children.

5) Jumping elevates mood and reduces anxiety

Depression can affect people of any age, including children. The disorder may prevent them from enjoying school, hobbies, or other normal childhood activities. Jumping stimulates the body to release endorphins that moderate the brain’s response to stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm and happiness. Moreover, when a child’s overall health and fitness improve, it boosts their confidence and gives them a sense of accomplishment and positivity.

A jumping kid is a happy kid. He is agile and comfortable in his body, confident and optimistic, enjoying good health and vitality, and living his best childhood. 2023 Jumping Kids enrichment classes at Parkway, Far East, and Mt Faber studios are now open for registration. So sign your kids up today!

1) Exercise may prevent depression in middle childhood
2) How much activity do they need? 
3) Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Children Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Children

4) Physical activity may reduce depression symptoms | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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