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The Original Jumping® Fitness

Jumping® Fitness is a scientifically engineered fitness program designed for optimal health and fitness results. It is the original aerobics rebounding system founded by TOMÁŠ BURIÁNEK and JANA SVOBODOVÁ of Czech Republic. It is conducted on specially developed Jumping® PROFI trampolines which are TUV SUD world worldwide certified for safety, reliability & quality assurance.

Jumping® Fitness comprises of a combination of traditional aerobic steps, dynamic sprints and ”power sports” elements. The complexity of the exercises guarantees that the whole body is strengthened. Throughout your one hour jumping fitness session, you will be guided and inspired by competent and certified instructors. You will have so much fun while working safely and surely towards your ideal body, weight and fitness goals.

Evidence Based Health Benefits

Extensive NASA verified research has shown that regular jumping on the mini trampoline, or rebounding has tremendous health benefits. Moving up and down in the field of gravity creates G-force that strengthens every cell and muscle in the body. It is also effective in boosting the immune system, increasing bone density, improving posture, balance & coordination and improving lymphatic circulation.

High in intensity and low in impact, Jumping® Fitness builds the cardio vascular system quite rapidly yet it is easy on the joints. This is because the high quality trampoline mat and bungee cords absorb the impact of landing effectively.

Health Benefits From Regular Jumping On The Mini Trampoine

jumping fitness strengthens every muscle
Exercises & Strengthens Every Cell & Muscle In the Body
Jumping fitness boosts immunity
Boosts Immune Function To Aid Healing & Prevent Diseases
Aids In Weightloss
jumping fitness prevents osteoporsis

Helps To Increase Bone Density & Prevent Osteoporosis

Jumping fitness improves posture
Improves Posture, Balance & Coordination
Improves Stamina & Builds Cardiovascular Health
jumping fitness promotes lymphatic circulation
Enhances Lymphatic Circulation For Effective Detoxification

Strengthens Eye Muscles For Better Eyesight

jumping fitness promotes mental health
Improves Learning Capacity & Promotes Mental Health

Schedule a trial class with us today and embark on the certain journey to excellent health and supreme fitness. Download our app JumpingSG or make your reservations here.

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